Part V: Daniella Caggiano photo credit: Jody Christopherson Daniella Caggiano Hometown: New York City Current Town: Still New York City! Tell me about Vinegar Tom : Vinegar Tom is a Caryl Churchill play from the 1970s. It tells the story of a witch trial that takes place in small English village in the 17th century, but in true Churchill fashion, there are also songs, a Vaudeville act, and tons of Brechtian fun. Churchill describes Vinegar Tom as a play about witches “with no witches in it”. Tell me about your process and concept of this show. The fun thing about Vinegar Tom is that the piece switches back and forth between two worlds: the world of the 17th century village, which is told through 21 short episodic scenes, and the world of the songs, which is extremely undefined. Churchill stipulates only that these songs should be sung in modern dress and the people singing are not the characters you’ve seen in the scenes. While there is...
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